Stratford sub Castle Village Website
Salisbury, Wiltshire UK

Stratford Guild 2023 - 2024 Programme
All dates are Wednesdays in the Reading Room SP1 3LL.
Doors open at 7.15 pm and meetings commence at 7.30 pm
13 September:
Speaker Brian Margetson - "Ghosts, Royals and Ferrymen"
Britain’s small working ferries,strange craft, interesting individuals and unusual locations. An amusing, light-hearted and intriguing presentation.
11 October:
Speaker Kevin Patience - 'The true story of the African Queen'.
The background story to the book which led to the film with Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn.
Read the Review
8 November:
Speaker: Terry Ereira - 'All things Cockney'.
Read the Review
13 December:
Christmas Social - with local entertainment.
10 January:
Speaker Ruth Newman - 'The Devenish family at Little Durnford Manor'.
Read the Review
14 February:
Speaker David Richards - "Old Sarum, the Pitts and their Diamond"
Read the Review
13 March:
Speaker Liz Waterman - "Back to Bhutan and the Kidasha Project"
Local residents Liz and John are planning a trek in Bhutan and to visit the Kidasha projects in Nepal. They will share photos and tales of their trip. More details in this News article.
10 April:
Speaker Adrian Green- "Salisbury Museum Update"
Museum Director Adrian will bring us up to date with developments at the Museum covering background work, the layout of the new galleries and the thinking behind the new displays. Read the Review
8 May:
AGM, to be followed by 'A Spring Serenade' musical entertainment
by Bows 'n Ivories
(a change to the previously published programme) Read the Review
12 June:
Summer Social details are in the poster below: