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Electoral area - St Francis & Stratford

St Francis & Stratford Electoral boundar

Council representatives 

elected 6 May 2021


Wiltshire Councillor:

Salisbury St Francis & Stratford

Mark McClelland

Salisbury City Councillors:

St Francis & Stratford


Cliona Hibbert

Mark Mewse

John Wells

Salisbury wards.jpg

All Salisbury City Council Wards

Electoral area map

Stratford sub Castle boundaries - MSOA

MSOA Stratford sub Castle.jpg

The area within the black border shown on the image is designated 'Salisbury - Stratford' by Government Agencies when statistics are provided by MSOAs (Middle layer Super Output Areas) and most recently has been used when providing COVID case data.


Note that the designated area extends across to and beyond Devizes Road, northwards beyond Little Durnford, eastwards beyond the A345 Salisbury to Amesbury Road, and southwards beyond the Ring Road.

The area that residents might consider to be 'Stratford' would be too small to qualify as an MSOA as MSOA areas typically have a population of between 7,000 - 10,000.

Map Source:

MSOA area map
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