Stratford sub Castle Village Website
Salisbury, Wiltshire UK

Village Hall (Reading Room) Terms & Conditions of Hire *
Reading Room Hire Terms and Conditions *
Hirers should ensure that they have read and understand the following terms under which the Reading Room is let.
This Agreement is made the day month and year set out in the Schedule between:
"the Owner" means The Vicar, Churchwardens and PCC members from time to time of the Parish of St. Lawrence Church Stratford-sub-Castle Salisbury Wiltshire
"the Hirer" means the person or persons and/or organisation as stated in the Schedule and their liabilities under this Agreement are joint and several.
3. It is Agreed That
a. The Owner lets and the Hirer rents for the Period (defined in the Schedule) the Reading Room ("the Hall") situated in Stratford-sub-Castle Salisbury Wiltshire for the purpose ("the Use") as defined in the Schedule Together with the non-exclusive right to park ordinary motor vehicles with others in the car park alongside the Hall (the Hall the car park and land around them or any part of them together called "the Premises").
b. The person who signs this Agreement will be considered to be the Hirer. Where a promoting organisation is named with an individual that organisation shall also be considered the Hirer and shall be jointly and severally liable with the person who signs this Agreement.
c. All charges must be paid at the time of entering into this Agreement and no hiring will be treated as booked until payment has been made and the Agreement properly signed and accepted by the person from time to time nominated as the Owner's Booking Secretary as named in the Booking Form.
d. Hiring times are as follows: -
Morning 0900-1300, Afternoon 1300-1700, Evening 1800-2300 (Sun 2230), All day 0900-2300 (Sun 2230)
e. Price for Hiring on application from Mrs. Heather Balston Tel 411628 (Booking Secretary) and must be paid when booking. Subsequently, if cancellation occurs, refunds will not be made unless Hall can be re-booked for that period.
f. A Copy of the Public Entertainment Licence is displayed in the Hall and must be read by the Hirer and the conditions met.
g. No exit from the Hall shall be blocked, no chairs or obstructions placed in corridors access ways or emergency escape routes, nor fire appliances removed or tampered with. The Hirer is notified that there is no public or other telephone in the vicinity of the Hall and is advised to have available at all times a mobile phone.
h. No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied unless an appropriate occasional licence for the Hall has been obtained by the Hirer (from the appropriate authority) who shall produce the licence to the Booking Secretary before the commencement of the Period. (If in doubt the Hirer should refer to the Salisbury District Council Licensing Officer).
i. All the conditions attaching to the music and dancing licence for the Hall shall be duly observed, noting especially the need for the Hirer to make himself aware of the fire precautions. No naked flames are permitted. The location and method of using the fire extinguishers must be noted. The Hirer must ensure that he has made himself aware of the evacuation procedures and the method of calling the fire brigade. The Hirer must familiarise himself with the layout of the Hall knowing who will be attending the Hall. The Hirer must devise a simple evacuation plan before the start of the Period and must brief all present on the precautions. (See also Paragraphs 13-21 of the Public Entertainment Licence located in the Hall)
j. The hire of the Hall does not entitle the Hirer to use or enter the Premises at any time other than the Period unless prior arrangement has been made with the Booking Secretary.
k. The Hirer shall use the Hall solely for the purpose of the Use and for no other purpose.
l. The Hirer shall not sublet the Hall or any part of it.
m. The Hirer is responsible for all damage to the Premises and any property in or on the Premises occurring whilst in occupation or while persons are entering or leaving the Premises pursuant this Agreement however and by whomsoever caused and any such damage shall forthwith be made good at the sole expense of the Hirer
n. The Owner shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to any property arising out of the hiring, nor for any loss damage or injury which may be incurred by or be done or happen to any person or persons using the Premises during occupation arising from any cause whatsoever or for any loss due to any breakdown of machinery failure of supply of electricity gas leakage of water fire Government restriction or act of God which may cause the Premises or any part of them to be closed or unavailable or the hiring to be interrupted or cancelled and the Hirer indemnifies the Owner against any claims which may arise out of the hiring, or which may be made by any person resorting to the Premises during the occupation of the Premises in respect of any such loss damage or injury. Hirers are warned that kitchen facilities are not to commercial standards. The kitchen is a domestic standard installation and must be used accordingly. Use of the kitchen is at Hirer's risk.
o. The right of entry to the Hall is reserved to the Owners or any agent of theirs and any police or other appropriate officer at any time during the Period.
p. The hirer is responsible for keeping good order on the Premises during the hiring and the Owners may charge the Hirer for any extra expenses they may incur for engaging the police to preserve order prior to, during or after any hiring of the Hall.
q. The Owner reserves the right to put a stop to any entertainment or meeting which in their sole view is not being properly conducted or which is not appropriate for the use of the Hall and the Owner shall not be required to give any explanation for such decision.
r. The Hall must not be used for any illegal or immoral purpose and the Hirer indemnifies the Owner against any liability arising from any such misuse
s. No bolts nails, tacks, screws, pins or other like objects including adhesives shall be driven into any part of the Premises nor shall any placards or other articles be fixed to them.
t. The Hirer at the expiration of the Period shall leave the Premises in a clean and orderly state and remove all rubbish from the kitchen to the dustbin provided. THE HALL DOES NOT HAVE RE-CYCLING FACILITIES FOR BOTTLES OR CANS and these should be removed from the premises.
u. The property of the Hirer and the Hirer's agents and other property belonging to any persons using the Hall as a result of the hiring must be removed immediately following the Period or fees will be charged for each day or part of a day until the same is removed. The Owner accepts no responsibility for any property left on the Premise.
v. No flag emblems or other decoration shall be displayed outside or on any part of the Premises or the Hall without the previous consent of the Booking Secretary.
w. No additional lights or extensions from the existing electric light fittings shall be used without the consent of the Booking Secretary.
x. No smoking is allowed within the Hall or on the Premises.
y. No ball games are allowed in the hall. If a large unit, such as a bouncy castle, is erected it must be placed at the front of the hall to avoid interfering with the installed projector
Please note that:
If the Hirer should wish to arrange to have the Premises cleaned after vacating them, he/she should contact the Booking Secretary to be advised of the cleaners used by the Owners.
if the occupation of the Hall involves children the Hirer may need to consider having a child protection policy and may need to use the Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure Service.
The Hirer should consider taking out public liability insurance, which may give protection for financial liability which may arise and for which they may be liable.
Revised February 2022
Reading Room Management Committee