Stratford Guild's Christmas Social - Wednesday 11 December
Have you booked your tickets yet? Details in the poster below.
Stratford Guild's Christmas Social - Wednesday 11 December
Stratford Guild - REVIEW of November talk
Stratford Guild - REVIEW of October's talk
Stratford Guild - REVIEW of September talk "Do you know who I am?"
Stratford Guild's new extended season of talks announced
Grand Opening of new galleries at Salisbury Museum
REVIEW of Guild's 8 May AGM followed by musical entertainment from "Bows 'n Ivories"
REVIEW of Guild talk Salisbury Museum 'Past Forward' project
Guild Talk 'Butan and Nepal' - REVIEW
Mawarden Court in 1805
'Old Sarum, The Pitts and their Diamond' - REVIEW
'The Devenish Family at Little Durnford Manor' - REVIEW
'All things Cockney' - REVIEW
'The True Story of The African Queen' - REVIEW
'Ghosts, Royals, and Ferrymen' - REVIEW