Christine Mason’s talk due to have taken place in January on ‘Fanny’ Nelson was cancelled at short notice due to the difficult driving conditions on her route. Her talk has been re-scheduled for Thursday 13 March 2025 at 2 pm. The Guild Committee are trialling the popularity of an afternoon session, so please make a note of the revised day and time.
Christine Mason is a local historian and volunteer at Salisbury Museum. Her talk 'Viscountess Frances (Fanny) Nelson' will be followed by the usual light refreshments of tea/coffee and biscuits.
In St Lawrence Church there is a memorial tablet to Josiah Nisbet whose wife Frances (known as Fanny) subsequently married Lord Horatio Nelson.

Intrigued by this connection, Christine Mason has uncovered a poignant story of the betrayal by Lord Horatio Nelson of his wife Fanny, whom he abandoned for his passionate affair with
Emma Hamilton.

Personal letters of Fanny (who remained devoted to him all her life), together with local documents bring this story vividly to life. This talk is very much in her own words and those of Lord Nelson and supporting characters.
The Guild's Annual subscription is £15. Visitors are welcome - £5 per meeting which includes refreshments. More details about Stratford Guild are here: