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REVIEW of Guild's 8 May AGM followed by musical entertainment from "Bows 'n Ivories"


The AGM of the Guild, chaired by David Balston, was a very efficient affair. The business of the meeting had already been dealt with by Terry Ereira in the form of an effective continuous discussion, undertaken by email. There are 55 members of which 31 responded by email all of whom ‘attended’. David Balston and Clive Woodyer were standing down and

Peter Westmacott was unanimously elected to the committee. Ian Budniak was elected as chairman, also unanimously.

Mary McGill proposed a vote of thanks to the committee and Terry Ereira thanked David for “all his hard work, which he had carried out with much thoughtful consideration and skill over all these years.” His words were greeted with enthusiasm by all the members and a gentle reply from David. His uncomplaining and quiet contribution has not gone un-noticed over the years.

Finally we were treated to some delightful music from ‘Bows ‘n’ Ivories’, alias John Cole on violin and viola and Jane Beaumont on keyboard. Their programme consisted of short classical pieces taking us across Europe in space and time and included a composition by the late Harry Brockway, dedicated to his good friend, John Cole.

Our next, and final, event of the season will be the Summer Social on 12 June.

Charles Villiers

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