There are a number of Town and Parish Council's developing Neighbourhood Plans across Wiltshire. Once a Neighbourhood Plan is initiated there are a number of stages that the plan must go through before it is "Made" and forms part of the development plan which forms the basis for determining planning applications.

A referendum relating to the Salisbury Neighbourhood Development Plan will be held on Thursday 27 February 2025. All residents of the designated area (see map below) who are listed on the Electoral Roll will receive a voting card, or if they are registered for a postal vote, their voting papers.
The question asked in the referendum will be 'Do you want Wiltshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Salisbury to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?'
The Information Statement along with the following 'specified documents' referred to in the Information Statement are available to view here:
Ed: for your convenience, two specified documents can be viewed here: