Nearly 9 months since the original sign was stolen, it has finally been replaced by Wiltshire Council.
News from 16 January
Mark McClelland:
"The updated delivery date is w/c 7 February. I am unimpressed with how long this is taking and very much share your frustrations."
Previous news published 13 November
On 13 November a message was received from our Wiltshire Councillor Mark McClelland:
"The Highways officer with responsibility for this (replacement sign) confirmed yesterday that the order has gone in and delivery will be within a month. They are frankly at a loss to explain what happened with the original order in the summer, but something obviously got lost in the system somewhere."
"I have to confess that while I have been in Stratford Sub Castle many times over the past few months, I always come from within Salisbury. I have not entered on the Stratford Road from outside the city limits over the past six months, so could not notice that it had not been done. I will not make any assumptions this time and will keep pestering them until it’s been put up. Please accept my sincere apology for the delay!"
Cllr Dr Mark McClelland
Salisbury St Francis and Stratford Division
Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste, Street Scene and Flooding Wiltshire Council
Previous news published 27 May
The following message arrived this morning from Mark McClelland:
"I have an update for you. The Highways team have been engaging with a supplier about the sign. Apparently it was a non-standard design so they have had to go back and confirm sizes and fixing method. The order has now been placed, so hopefully it shouldn’t be too much longer now!
As you may know already, since we last communicated, I was very honoured to be appointed to the cabinet of Wiltshire Council and I am heading up Transport, so this falls within my new area of responsibility.
Cllr Dr Mark McClelland
Salisbury St Francis and Stratford Division
Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste, Street Scene and Flooding "
Update 12 May
Our new Wiltshire Councillor Mark McClelland has today been asked to progress this matter as we still don't know if this sign was stolen or taken down for refurbishment/replacement. Or indeed, when a new sign will be installed.
The Stratford sub Castle sign previously served as an early warning to motorists that they would shortly be entering a 30 mph area as they approach St Lawrence Church, the Reading Room and the school.
Original story 28 April
The sign on Stratford Road on the approach to St Lawrence Church has been removed. Reported via the MyWiltshire app for enquiries to be made......