This is my last report from the Garden Club as I am signing off after eight years.
When I became Chairman in Sept 2015 I started writing the reports. I would introduce the speaker and then sit down to write notes on their talk and leap up at the end and ask for questions. When Barry took over as Chairman in September 2019, I just carried on writing reports.
In a way, the best bit was lockdown! For a whole year there were no speakers or meetings so I light-heartedly wrote about what I was doing in my garden and since none of us could go anywhere, I started some big jobs.
Ed: Dorothy's 'Lockdown' articles covered a range of topics:
This Wonderful Wet Summer;
We didn't like it at all, that cold, wet month of May!
With no space in the garden, where are these potatoes going?
Are we going to have any lunch today?
Grow lots of different things;
Get the rhythm!
Spring will come!
Grasses could be your answer!
It has to be ORANGE !
Dorothy's Challenge.
and are available to read again here:
However, I have made lots of changes since then as I experiment and learn about different plants. I hope that you do the same and enjoy your gardening as much as I do. Gardening is my ‘Keep Fit’ activity but I must admit to creaking more, just lately, as I do it.
This 2022-2023 season will conclude with our AGM and Social Evening on Thursday 29 June at 7.30 pm in the Reading Room.
Gardeners are good at forward planning and the subject of our first talk next season (2023-2024) will certainly help with that. After the summer break the talk in September will be ‘My Greenhouse Year’. Do make a note in your diary to be in the Reading Room 7.15 for 7.30 pm on Thursday, 28th September 2023 to listen to Gillian Taylor. More details will follow in the September Parish Magazine and here on the village website.
Dorothy Richards