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Work on the chancel roof at St Lawrence Church


The scaffolding has now been dismantled.

South side - 21 November 2023

North side - 21 November 2023

21 October 2023.

The last stages of replacing the tiles on the chancel roof.

News and image from Barry Goldsmith 5 October

"At present it looks like minimum beetle infestation however (we) will be more certain when we open up the other end."

Day 2 - October 3

Day 2 and the tiles are being removed. Here's hoping for some dry weather ahead .....

Day 1 - October 2

News on 2 October

An article by Jim Platt (reproduced below) was published in the September issue of the Parish Magazine, giving details of the steps that need to be taken to determine the extent of the death watch beetle infestation in the chancel roof at

St Lawrence Church.

Right on schedule the scaffolding is being erected today, 2 October.

Original article from St Lawrence Stratford sub Castle Parish Magazine September 2023, copied here by kind permission:

" Chancel Roof

Readers of the magazine will be aware of the steps being taken to determine the extent of the death watch beetle infestation in the church chancel roof and to remediate any damage done to the timbers. The Diocese has now given us authority to proceed with the planned work by issuing a faculty from the Chancellor of the Diocese sitting in the Consistory Court. This is a formal document with the court’s seal on it.

Following receipt of the faculty, a pre-start meeting was held with the successful contractor, Rickman Roofing Ltd, on 3rd August, chaired by the architect. This was attended by a representative of the Church Commissioners, who will be paying half of the costs, the PCC Treasurer and members of the PCC Fabric sub Committee. Barry Goldsmith is running the project on behalf of the PCC.

It was agreed the work will start on 2nd October. The first activity will be the erection of the scaffolding. Once this is in place the contractor will remove half of the tiles on the front of the chancel roof. The reason we have to open the roof is that there is no access from inside the church. This will enable the inspecting architect and the structural engineer to examine the extent of the infestation and to recommend what level of remediation is required. The faculty stated that at this stage the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) has to agree with the proposed repair before we can proceed further.

It is expected that the works will take about a month once the DAC has given its approval. While the work is proceeding the church will be open but the chancel will be closed off during the week. It is expected that services will continue as normal with the chancel and altar in use on Sundays.

Jim Platt "

The Friends of St Lawrence Fundraising event on Thursday 12 October was not affected by this work. Many thanks to The Farrant Singers and to those people who bought tickets, all of whom helped to support our Fundraising.


This event has now taken place.

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