If you’re doing a spring clean and come across any leftover paint, you can donate it for reuse at the Salisbury Household Recycling Centre (HRC) at Churchfields Industrial Estate SP2 7NP.
Opening hours are:
Summer (1 April to 31 October) open 9am to 4pm 6 days a week. (closed Thursdays).
Winter (1 November to 31 March) open 10am to 4pm 5 days a week (closed on Thursdays and Fridays).
You can donate paint if:
It is water-based
Over half full
In a usable condition (still a liquid)
The paint donated to this scheme is free for anyone to take away. It is clearly marked in a separate yellow cabinet at the HRCs. Members of staff on site can direct you if needed. Before collecting, you will need to fill out a short disclaimer form which is in the cabinet.
More information: Wiltshire Council