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MyWiltshire reporting system


Reporting a problem with a street-light in Wiltshire has now been made much easier. Make a note of the position of the light and if possible, the reference number displayed on it.

Then access the MyWiltshire reporting system either as a 'guest' or create or log into an existing account. Follow the prompts until the streetlighting section is reached.

If you allow the Council's website to access your location information, a map will be displayed.

Icons on the map indicate the position of streetlights along a named road and if clicked, will reveal a 'label' confirming the council's reference number of the lamp, followed by a list of possible problems.

Answer a few questions and you'll soon reach the point where you'll be able to submit your report.

However, when acknowledging receipt of a report, Wiltshire Council has today commented that

"due to current Covid secure working practices and parts availabilities it can take up to 8 weeks to return to full operation. Your report has been closed for administration purposes."

So if there are any street-lights that are out-of-action near you, please report them asap, otherwise it may be summer-time before they are fixed!

Stratford's streetlighting was upgraded to LED in 2020 and Jane Court of the Local History Group wrote an article - you can read it here.

If you have something of local interest that could be added to the website, Articles, News stories or Images are always welcome. Your name can be published or not - simply let us know your preference.

Please email details to 

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