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Street Lighting in Stratford sub Castle 

"There was no mains electricity in the village or for several miles around by the time we moved away in 1937."
An extract from John Henry Cook's account of life at Mawarden Court in the 1920's and 30's.

Fast forward to 2020 and the following article written by Jane Court of the Local History Group, who also supplied the images..

Streetlight saga


As planned, Wilshire Council have been upgrading Salisbury street lights to LED over the last couple of months and Stratford sub Castle saw most of its remaining sodium lights converted during the week of 15th June.  The old columns were retained meaning the changeover only took around 15 minutes per light.  


LED lights use considerably less energy than the older sodium units, are more directional, reducing ‘sky glow’ and glare and can be dimmed during off-peak periods to further reduce energy consumption.  Traditional street lighting had to be replaced every 3 – 6 years as the units wore out, but the new lights are expected to last 20 – 25 providing further cost efficiencies. 


Vandalism of the lights between Mill Lane and the church in 2017 meant that the lights in the northern end of the village were replaced with LED back in 2018 but the southern part of the village is only now getting used to the new ‘warm white’ light, beneficial because it enables the human eye to see natural colours at night, improving visibility for road users and pedestrians  Piecemeal conversions due to earlier damage also means that while the majority are of the latest type, we have a variety of styles of LED in the village, and four of the old sodium lights still remain, presumably to be converted soon.

new black unit.jpg

The latest conversions are black but there are some grey ones of the same design:

new grey unit.jpg

The earlier LED lights north of Mill Lane are a different shape:

North of Mill lane style.jpg
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And various designs can be found along the cycle track to Five Rivers:

Two of the remaining four old sodium lights as at 21 June, with a new LED in the background outside Farthing Cottage


LED lights are slightly brighter at source than traditional light sources, but the ability to direct light should minimise glare. The lights can be controlled centrally, providing the opportunity to reduce lighting levels at sensitive locations. 


IIssues regarding streetlighting can be reported through the My Wiltshire app or on-line at:

Jane Court, Local History Group
June 2020

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five rivers path 1.jpg
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