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Break in attempt at St Lawrence Church

Update: Glaziers from the Cathedral have now replaced the broken glass panes.

Panes of glass in four separate windows were broken sometime during Tuesday night in what is believed was an attempt to locate window latches to make entry into the church. They were unsuccessful with three attempts but succeeded in opening a window, which had a window lock, on the south side. It is unclear whether or not they gained entry to the church through this small window which was found to be open the next day by an observant church volunteer.

A model mouse sitting on the shelf below the window was knocked on the floor. There is no evidence of anything having been stolen or damaged within the church. Nevertheless the church insurers have been informed.

One pane of a window in the south side of the nave, two in the nave's north side and a window in the north wall of the chancel were all damaged. Police officers accompanied by a crime scenes investigation (CSI) officer attended and took details. Apparently St Lawrence is not the only church in the area to be attacked. The police are putting on extra patrols through the village, following this incident, as criminals specialise in breaking into certain types of building and returning to the scene of previous crimes.

Chris Lush making a temporary repair

Although the panes are small the damage has been estimated at several hundred pounds. Church Warden Chris Lush has made temporary repairs to the windows. Meanwhile, Jim Platt, Chairman of the PCC's Fabric Committee, has been in touch with the Cathedral glaziers to arrange for sympathetic replacement of the damaged glass. This work requires specialist knowledge due to the age of the lead in which the glass is seated.

If you see anyone behaving suspiciously near the church please call the police. Should the criminal be in the act of committing an offence, call 999 otherwise use 101. The police are keen to apprehend this type of offender.

Jim Platt

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