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Stratford sub Castle Garden Club - Open Gardens Sun 14 July 2024

An image from the 2022 Open Gardens

This event has now taken place. There was a great turnout of visitors to Stratford in addition to the many residents touring the Open Gardens.

If you have any photos that could be added to the website, please send them in.


Earlier news....

TODAY! And the sun is shining! There are 10 gardens available to visit in Stratford sub Castle between 1 pm and 5 pm.

The gardens will be identified with balloons. No dogs in gardens please.

Tickets and maps will be available in the middle of the village at SP1 3LW. Gardens £5 for adults (accompanied children free). Teas available £5.


Earlier details published on 29 April

We are delighted to announce that our Open Garden Event will now take place on Sunday 14 July starting at 1 pm, finishing at 5 pm.

We have been lucky enough to have eight households in ouor community offerinig to open their gardens, providing a good mix of garden size and style. We are also lucky to have people offering to both assist prior to and at the event, although more help would be welcome.

All we need is a nice sunny day and plenty of visitors. If anyone else wishes to participate or help, please contact me - it is never too late!

Barry Goldsmith

01722 332169


News from 19 March

A big thank you to all those that responded to my plea for involvement in participating in an open garden event, designed to raise much needed funds for our Garden Club.

We now have a good mix of gardens which should meet the interests of all those visiting.

It is intended to organise the event to take place on the second weekend in July, hopefully avoiding road closures and other gardening events.

It is expected to have a working party meeting in April, so there is still time however, for any interested parties to come forth with offers of assistance or gardens. Anybody interested in joining with us please contact Barry Goldsmith 01722332169 or

If you cannot join with us, your contribution on the day, by visiting our lovely gardens, will be most welcome.

Barry Goldsmith


Original lNews story 20 February

This village has few opportunities to meet up on a social basis, one such club is the Garden Club which is an important asset to the village.

One of the 'Open Gardens' in 2022

A detailed knowledge of gardening has never been a prerequisite to attend the meetings, simply a general interest in gardening and meeting people who are both in and outside the village to socialise. To keep the club in existence has in the past required every two years that an open garden event is held, at which time we are lucky to have 8 to 10 gardens in the village opened in the month of June/July.

In order that the garden club can continue in providing 9 meeting a year we will have to hold an open garden event this year to generate sufficient funds for the future.

For this to take place it will be necessary to establish (on a one-off basis) a working party with the objective of managing such an event, I have offered to coordinate this, if there is sufficient interest, on behalf of the Garden Club so your support will be welcome.

This will only happen with the assistance and involvement of us as a village.

To establish this working party, we will need at least 8 to 10 people from both the garden club and specially from other interested people in the village . We will also need 8 to 10 household in the village to open their gardens in June/July. Please note this is not a competition and if you like your garden others will also.

Obviously, this objective can only be achieved if there is sufficient interest in maintaining this village social club asset. It is your village, if you are interested either helping or opening your garden, would you if you could, contact me before the end of March, time is short for a June event but hopefully we can make it with the right amount of interest.

I will advise here and in the April Parish Magazine if there is sufficient interest.

Contact Barry Goldsmith

Tele :01722332169

View more images from the Garden Club's 2022 Open Gardens event here.


If you have something of local interest that could be added to the website, Articles, News stories or Images are always welcome. Your name can be published or not - simply let us know your preference.

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