There is no meeting of the Garden Club in December.

Our first meeting in 2024 is on Thursday January 25th at 7.30pm. Our speaker will be John Hallett whose subject is 'The Japanese Garden at Kingston Lacy'. I am sure that this will be of interest to many of you as most of us will have visited there at some time.
The programme for the New Year is booked up until May – and our AGM will be on Thursday 27th June. View the programme.
We are still in need of more help on the committee – namely someone to act as chairman and someone to act as secretary. The future of the club depends on all of us playing a part. So...... could YOU help us? If so, do please speak to one of the committee.
It remains for me to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and successful gardening in the New Year!
Jeff Long – Programme Secretary
01722 324421