Our April meeting is on Thursday April 25 at 7.30pm in the Reading Room. The subject is “The Wild Bunch in the Garden” (insects in the garden). Our speaker will be Pauline Weeks.
The meeting in May will be on Thursday 30 May - “A Healthy Garden” – a
chemical free approach. Our speaker will be Sally Morgan.
The June meeting will be the AGM on Thursday 27 June at 7.30. This will be a very short AGM covering a Financial Report and details of 2024-2025 season speakers. The rest of the evening will include a plant sale, coffee and biscuits and a chance for you to tell us what you want of the club going forward. We really do need another couple of committee members – more could be done with publicity etc. if we had the people to
do it.
With reference to the plant sale, this could generate much needed funds
for the coming year – so can I ask that you sow some extra seeds NOW,
so that we will have a good selection of plants for sale.
Please check the details of the Open Gardens project here:
Jeff Long, Programme Secretary
01722 324421