Our June meeting is the AGM on Thursday 27th June at 7.30pm – the final Thursday meeting of the Garden Club year.
We have no speaker booked – the AGM part of the evening will be very short – covering a financial report, speakers booked for the next year and a vote for the committee members.
The current committee members are Rob Barclay (Publicity), Alison Clayton ( Treasurer) Jeff Long (Programme Secretary),Lesley Woodyer (Membership Secretary), Chris Lush, and Derrick Petty. Neither Lesley nor Derrick will be standing again: Rob, Alison, Chris and myself (Jeff Long) are willing to stand again.
This leaves us with just 4 members on the Committee. You can see that we now need extra help. All members are eligible to join the committee so could YOU help?
The club will celebrate its 40th Anniversary year in 2026/2027 – it would be good to still be viable then. Please talk to me, or any of the other committee members if you would like more information.

There will be a plant sale – so please bring along as many plants as possible to boost our funds. Coffee / tea and biscuits will be served – and a chance for you to talk to the committee. What subjects would you like to be covered in our weekly meetings 2025-2026? (Remember next year is already booked – this has to be done many months in advance.)
The details of the Open Gardens event from 1.00pm - 5.00pm on Sunday July 14th are here: https://www.stratfordsubcastle.org.uk/post/stratford-sub-castle-garden-club-open-gardens-2024
We do hope that as many of you as possible will turn out in force for a very enjoyable afternoon in our local community.
Thank you to all Garden Club members for your support during this past year.
Jeff Long - Programme Secretary
Tel: 01722 324421