Our next meeting is on Thursday 31 October – 7.15 pm for 7.30 pm, in the Reading Room, Stratford Road SP1 3LL (opposite St. Lawrence Church).
The speaker will be Michael Harvey who is the Senior Gardener at the National Trust's Mottisfont property.* As many of you will have been to Mottisfont and seen the rose garden in full bloom, we can imagine that this talk entitled “Mottisfont - a Rose Garden Paradise” will be most interesting!
All are welcome to our meetings which take place monthly on the last Thursday of the month (no meeting in December). The Annual Subscription is £18.00 and visitors £4.00 per meeting.
The meetings close with tea/ coffee and biscuits and usually a chance to talk to the speaker.
Jeff Long - Programme Secretary. 01722 324421
*National Trust website - https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/hampshire/mottisfont