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July's Summer Café raised £280 for Childrens Chance


Cake commemorating 25th anniversary of Childrens Chance, Salisbury - the charity supported by this café

Once again, the weather was kind to us and, although the café was quieter than usual, we still had a good turnout. Jane Miller from Childrens Chance charity kindly donated a cake and enjoyed her time at the café.

We had an interesting mix of visitors attending, with some regulars, a couple who rent out their house and come to stay in Salisbury for the summer so like to come to the café, a number of people who saw the signs and called in, including a chap who had cycled from Warminster, a couple who recently moved to Longhedge and want to get involved with our area, and a lady from Korea who had never had cake before and loved it. I think we can say we achieved our aim of bringing people together for a chat over a cuppa and a slice of cake!

We hope you will be able to join us next time - Sunday 6 August.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support. We raised £280 for our chosen charity, Childrens Chance, Salisbury.

Barbara Mayall

Images from the July Summer Café have been added to the photo album here:

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